Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining
PJD Engineering is proud to be a sponsor of the Development and Life Management of 9-12%Cr CSEF Steels online workshop.
The workshop will cover alloy developments, processing and service experience, including microstructural modelling, codes and standards, inspection, repair and life management. It will combine information from many sources with the aim of enhancing the management of 9-12%CR CSEF steels.
PJD have a long history of working with P91 with regard to repair and maintenance and work in the power industry. We currently have number of separate WPQRs which were carried on P91, or P91 to dissimilar materials all using PWHT as per code/standard stipulations. We also have a couple that were run ‘cold’ with Nickel alloy filler material.
Traditionally it is a material that we come across on coal fired power stations (the number of which are reducing, although we still encounter it on gas fired plants.
P91 is a challenging material to work with from a weldability perspective, and it demands due diligence with regards to root purging, pre-heat, post heat and PWHT.